We're all concerned about privacy these days, and it's sobering to remember that something as simple as taking a photo can reveal a lot about you. The photos you take may be geotagged, meaning that they have GPS co-ordinate embedded into them that give away the location you pressed the shutter. If this concerns you, it is possible to turn off location tagging.
Snap a photo on your Moto X or Nexus 5, and you probably don’t think about much more than ensuring that the shot is perfectly framed. But when you upload an image to a website, the metadata encoded into it could easily reveal your location. If this is something you'd prefer to keep private, here's how to disable the feature.
Launch the Camera app and tap the menu button followed by Settings.
Move to the right hand tab by clicking the cog icon, and you should see the Location tag label. If it is set to On and you would like to disable it, tap the setting and then select Off.
If you ever change your mind about location tagging, you can easily re-enable it.
Simply repeat the same steps, but select On rather than Off, and you'll see a warning that your location can be determined from image while the feature is enabled. Tap OK to acknowledge this.
If you lose track of whether location tagging is enabled or disabled, just look to the top of the screen in the camera app. When the feature is enabled, you'll see a crosshair icon in the upper row of buttons so you can see at a glance.